Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday----November 23,08 Red Tent Date

Ladies it is coming up to that time of the month again, the next Red Tent Temple Date for the Milford Ct. Chapter of The Red Tent Temple is Sunday November 23 2008. From 11:00am to 4:30pm with Formal circle starting at 2:30pm.
Girls menarche age to 17 are wecome up until Formal Circle then they can go into a separate room for their girls formal time. They will learn about celebrations on becoming a woman and do some arts and crafts to help them understand their changes and their feelings , and have fun while they learn to grow into their Sacred Divine Feminine in a healthy empowered way for their future.

We welcome all and we are asking for an RSVP for each space to be held so we can prepare the proper amounts of Healing Soups and Teas. Also at this time we are asking for a Thirteen Dollar donation from each participant to help pay for the space and supplies. We are very thankful for this as these donations help us to continue to share in this Sacred Day for all women.
Please be specific if girls menarche age to 17 will be staying in the Girls formal time, this is designed for their age, so we can also prepare a count for this.

Please e or call The Magik Mirror at 203- 876-8832 for your RSVP for spaces or any questions.

Thank you and hope to see you at The Red Tent Temple.

A poem inspired by the first Red Tent Temple in Milford

The Red Tent

Today we came together in a specially blessed place,
for fellowship and wisdom, for sisterhood and grace.
Some came with long-felt longing, some, curiosity;
but each was drawn to be there in sacred trinity.

Our trinity, the feminine, of maiden, mother, crone;
so powerful it helps us know that we are not alone.
We shared in conversation, massage and company,
and filled again our well of faith in sweet community.

We drew the sacred circle and filled it from the heart;
the bold, the shy, the in-between, we came to do our part
to send the power up and out while healing from within,
and this bright ring of healing is where we will begin.

We bless each other with our trust, respect our right to be,
because we understand the gift that’s given when we see
that every path is sacred and every walk is true,
and so we honor our own paths as we honor all who do.

~ Diana Powers
September 28, 2008

This poem was written by a most Sacred Divine Light, a woman that attended the first Red Tent in our Milford Ct. Moonlodge. This captures everything the sisterhood of The Red Tent Temple is!
Thank you Diana we are honored!
Red Tent Temple Team