Saturday, July 26, 2008

First Red Tent Temple Date

this is the information site for The Milford Ct. Red Tent Temple Movement.
We are really glad you are here and interested. The Red Tent Temple will be a wonderful day to come into sacred space, and go within.
Come gather at the Red Tent Temple to honor the Feminine Spirit.
We gather on or around the Dark Moon to focus on our womanhood journey's and our woman cycles!
Women of all ages and beliefs are welcome, women who no longer have wombs, women of menarche or menopause, women whom are pregnant, and menarche age girls.

We honor and respect the rights of individuals to choose their own paths to follow.
Our Sisters, Mothers, Daughters, Grandmothers, Aunts and friends come to honor The Divine Feminine and nourish ourselves in the ancient womb rhythm of the Moon.
The Red Tent Temple is a place to honor our young women with information, celebration and empowerment.

Come for the entire day, part of the day, or just for formal circle.
Come and be nourished as this is a place of rest, comfort, do nothing but reconnect with your feminine spirit and just be. Enter sacred space to just lay down and listen to peaceful music, breathe, meditate, journal and/or create sacred art, Goddess oracle table, cry and release, eat healing soup, read, drink herbal womb teas and eat sweets. Enter the formal circle at 2:30 to share and honor your divine self. You may come and choose to just do nothing, this is fine to.

Come and just be to the first Red Tent Temple on Sunday--- September 29, 2008 at 11:00am to 4:30pm. Place... The Magik Mirror at 69 N. Broad Street Milford Ct. Right in the Milford Green. 203-876-8832 Formal Circle will begin at 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm and only 18 years old and up.
Please be sure to RSVP your spaces as we need a count, send an e mail to and request your space and /or information. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
The Red Tent Temple entrance is free but donations are accepted.
We accept donations because there are fees the organizers take upon themselves to keep The Red Tent Temple up and running, , the soups, sweets, herbal teas, the space needed for the RTT, heat, ect. So any donations are greatly appreciated!
Please wear something red if you can.
Please read the information post for this Red Tent Temple before you come on 09/29, 08

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